Daniil Astashkin (Ivan Korshunov) – MalovModern.Art Online Museum of Contemporary Art

Ivan Korshunov

Daniil Astashkin

Live and Dead series



Oil on canvas

170x170 cm

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Artist about this artwork Daniil Astashkin (born in 2003) is the son of Roman Astashkin and the grandson of Tamara Astashkina. The school in the nearest village, located three kilometers fr om Olshanka, has long been closed, and there is no bus service. Every day, the boy walks three kilometers to the nearby town, wh ere all the children are gathered on a bus and taken to the school in the neighboring village. Daniil and his family will be moving to the town of Uvarovo soon.


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Daniil Astashkin, artist Ivan Korshunov

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