Quiet Games-1 (Ivan Korshunov) – MalovModern.Art Online Museum of Contemporary Art

Ivan Korshunov

Quiet Games-1

Surrogates series



Oil on canvas

138x222 cm

You can buy this artwork.
$ 20,000.00


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0.01 ETH



Artist about this artwork

The painting captures children engrossed in a game of "pandemic." Within this imaginative world, meticulously crafted by their own hands, they've constructed a miniature town from building blocks, populated it with an array of toys, and even suspended cardboard clouds along with a makeshift airplane.


Underneath the table, however, a jarring sight emerges - a pile of discarded syringes, starkly juxtaposing the otherwise innocent tableau. This serves as a potent symbol, perhaps commenting on the pervasive publicity surrounding vaccination campaigns.


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Quiet Games-1, artist Ivan Korshunov

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