Cellophane (Ivan Korshunov) – MalovModern.Art Online Museum of Contemporary Art

Ivan Korshunov


Alter Ego series



Oil on canvas

138x222 cm

You can buy this artwork.
$ 17,000.00


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0.01 ETH



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A guardian angel, forgotten by all, sits on a park bench, desperately trying to shield himself from the night cold. In his hands, a plastic sheet barely provides cover from the biting wind. Lonely and abandoned, this angel, who usually diligently watches over his ward, now battles with himself, attempting to ward off the cold and survive


in this unforgiving nocturnal environment. In his eyes, frozen with melancholy and neglect, there's a glimmer of something helpless and sorrowful, as if the angel has been cast aside from the care and vastness of the sky.


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Cellophane, artist Ivan Korshunov

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