Cake (Ivan Korshunov) – MalovModern.Art Online Museum of Contemporary Art

Ivan Korshunov


Surrogates series



Oil on canvas

180x180 cm

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The painting "Cake" is dedicated to the eternal theme in art. It is a visual embodiment of the Latin expression that has become a proverb, "Memento mori" (remember death). The painting depicts children eating a wedding cake, a multi-tiered cake adorned with marzipan figures of the bride and groom.


These figures represent various moments in the development of family life: the wedding, pregnancy, the child's first steps, school, family holidays, vacations, the maturation of children and their weddings, and ultimately the funeral of one of the spouses in a sweet grave. The children have already tasted a piece of this cake, embodying another proverb: "The infant's first step is the first step towards their death."


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Cake, artist Ivan Korshunov

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