Triptych "Tree periods" (Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf) – MalovModern.Art Online Museum of Contemporary Art

Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf

Triptych "Tree periods"

Out of series series



Canvas, charcoal pencil, acrylic

110x270 cm

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$ 18,000.00


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Artist about this artwork

In hockey, the game unfolds in three periods, marking the duration of the match. Yet, in the triptych of "Three Periods," it delves deeper than just the game itself. It elegantly contemplates the phases of a man's life – a warrior, an athlete – neatly divided into distinct stages.


"First Cup" encapsulates the dreams of a child, visions of victories and accomplishments. A young boy gazes upon the inaugural USSR Cup of 1946, the first beacon of hockey excellence in the nation.

Then comes "Tretyak," the era of the master, where reflections on past glories mingle with the anticipation of forging new ones, not just for oneself, but for the torchbearers of the future.

And finally, the Gagarin Cup, the ultimate prize in today's Kontinental Hockey League, embodies a season of maturity, a zenith of strength, and the profound sense that destiny rests firmly within your grasp. It's a time of conquests, tales to be recounted to generations yet unborn.

These "ages" are meticulously placed, not in linear succession, for there exists no conclusive "end" to this narrative. Rather, it is a saga of generational continuity, an unbroken thread, poised to eternally weave its tale.


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Triptych "Tree periods", artist Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf

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